7 Days of Samsung






Digital Marketing

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A transformative strategy behind the '7 Days of Samsung' experience during Amazon's 2021 Prime Day. This case study showcases our approach to enhancing product discoverability, streamlining the shopping experience, and driving unprecedented customer engagement and sales. Dive into the process, strategy, and remarkable results that set a new standard for online shopping efficiency and effectiveness.

The Challenge

  1. Enhance product discoverability during Amazon's 2021 Prime Day.
  2. Streamline the online shopping experience, reducing clutter and complexity.
  3. Ensure easy customer access to and engagement with deals.
  4. Improve customer engagement and purchase rates beyond past events.
  5. Demonstrate a user-friendly, efficient online shopping platform's effectiveness.

Process and Strategy

  1. Scalable & Easy Shopping Experience
    The strategy for '7 Days of Samsung' involves creating a streamlined, clutter-free shopping experience during Prime Day 2021. It emphasizes a scalable design for broader application and potential international expansion. This approach should effectively boost sales and customer engagement through a refined, user-centric interface and strategic marketing.


  1. +32% higher purchase rate.
  2. Double the product views
  3. Over 21 million impressions
  4. 67% of total retail deal sales


The product portfolio aimed to improve discoverability through a clutter-free shopping experience during the 2021 Prime Day event. This approach broke previous records, with the custom-built Deals page achieving a +32% higher purchase rate and double the product views compared to non-custom pages. The campaign generated over 21 million impressions and contributed to 67% of total retail deal sales. Following this success, Samsung invested in a new Pan-EU experience, "7 Days of Samsung," during September-October, capitalizing on the proven effectiveness of this strategy.